March/April 2021
Welcome to the March/April 2021 Newsletter.
It is encouraging to note the post-Covid spike in memberships this year, and a special welcome goes out to our newest members in March/April:
Emily Rankin, James Carlisle, Jenny Williams, Fotini Stammel, Gerard Ivander, Luke, Nathan and Isaac Wilson, and Jarrod Duynhoven.
It is great to see new faces around the clubrooms, and all new members are very welcome. Don’t forget to pick up your AoW Club membership card when you are next at the range. As well, all members need to take out insurance, either with Archery Australia or 3D AAA. You need to record both your club membership number and your AA/3D AAA number each time you sign in.
Details of some of the competitions that have been run by other AA and ABA affiliated clubs are noted below. It is pleasing to see more of our members participating in these events, and we hope that we can send contingents from our club to other competitions as they appear in the future.
Those of you who have not been at the club for a while will be surprised to see a few changes that have been put in place in the last few weeks. Thanks to your committee and our representative on the Range Committee, we have now been allocated the “boardroom” – a great new space for the club to securely store its equipment and work benches etc. A great effort by David Dalton & Reilly Austin to make bow racks for the club bows is much appreciated! Longer distance shooters can thank Dave Reid & Peter Hill for their efforts in upgrading the 90 metre range targets – hopefully arrows will now remain IN the targets, and not pass straight through!
Enjoy the latest edition!
As experience increases, archers frequently upgrade their equipment. Similarly, new members are always interested in purchasing equipment, and would often prefer to buy lower priced second hand gear, and to be able to try it out before purchase.
Club members who have archery equipment to sell may now advertise their “old” equipment through the newsletter.
If you have equipment that you no longer use and would like to sell it through the newsletter, get in contact with Denise (0478 302040) and it will be advertised in the next edition.
Chris was born in Warrnambool, and now lives in the south Warrnambool area of Merrivale. About 18 months ago he took up archery as a sport. Although he has always been interested in archery, at that time he felt that he has the time and money to devote to the sport, as he knew that success involved an investment in both.
Chris is competitive, and his greatest achievement in the sport, recently, was to score higher than his coach, Dave Reid, at the club’s indoor league competition. His best indoor score is 276/300 at 18m.
His uses a Matthews Tactic compound bow with draw weight of 52.6 lbs. His arrows are Carbon Express Tanks 23D with 400 spines.
Chris’ archery goals include competing at state level in both target and field.
In addition to archery, Chris loves PC gaming and reading books by authors such as Jim Butcher and Brian Starson.
His favourite movie is Stargate, and favourite superhero is Thor.
His tastes in music vary from rock to heavy metal to more laid back music, Linkin Park, Halestorm and Poets of the Fall being some of his favourite bands. He enjoys a chicken parma, and his favourite holiday destination is New Zealand, with Hobbiton topping the list of must-sees.
Chris is a regular at the club, chipping in whenever things need doing. His hard work and determination are much appreciated.
It is great to see more club members getting involved in competitions that are regularly run by other clubs. Over the Labour Day long weekend in March, several club members were away at competitions.
The ABA Mt Clay field shoot was attended by Alex Nesic, Dave and Jess Reid, Chris Densley, Connor Barbary & Peter Hill. The course shooting distances ranged from five to fifty yards, with animal target faces being used for the comp. Around 200 competitors from Victoria, SA, NSW and as far away as Queensland lined up for the three-day event. The AoW contingent represented the club admirably, with some excellent high scores.
The annual Moomba target shoot was back on after the Covid break at Moorabbin Archery Club on the same March long weekend. Around sixty shooters across all age divisions and Archery Australia disciplines (Recurve, Compound, Barebow, Longbow) took part in this well organised event. AoW was represented by Paul Minifie. The atmosphere was friendly and relaxed, with Archers glad to be back in competition after a year away. The competition was an Adelaide round (30 arrows each at 60, 50, 40 and 30m) and Paul shot a creditable score of 959/1200. AoW would like to get a team(s) together to enter for 2022. We’d need three archers of the same discipline, one of whom is a Junior. Details will be available early in 2022.
Congratulations to Mick Austin who recently qualified to shoot up to 50m, and to Jenny Williams and James Carlisle who are both now qualified to shoot up to 30m.
Members who wish to qualify for greater distances may do so on the fourth Saturday of each month, beginning from 2pm.
The Summer 2020 League was finalised in March after a disrupted season due to Covid19.
Congratulations to the champions:
A Grade David Reid
B Grade Chris Densley
C Grade Mick Austin
Summer2020 League champions –
David Reid, Mick Austin & Chris Densley
with AoW committee member
Paul Minifie
Well done to all competitors, who gave the respective champions a good run for their money!
League comp nights are held on 1st and 3rd Friday nights of the month. A $10 fee covers the full comp (~ 3 months).
The first of the Club’s “This Girl Can” (TGC) activities was held on 27th March, in partnership with the Warrnambool City Council. The TGC initiative is supported by state government funding and aims to introduce women and girls to sports that they have not tried before, in a friendly, supportive environment. A total of eight women attended the activity, and we hope to see them return along with others who have yet to sample our great sport of archery.
Thanks to coaches Charlotte Iverarch, Elliot Riley and Mike Clark for assisting on the day.
Would you like to purchase an Archers of Warrnambool cap?
Cost is $20 (below cost price, so they are a bargain!).
If you’d like one, please contact Gerry Mahoney on 0447592607.
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