May 2020

May 2020

Welcome to the third edition of AoW’s newsletter.

You may have noticed that this edition is quite short – there’s not much to report when all archery clubs have been closed down temporarily. Although now with restrictions being lifted gradually, clubs that are slowly beginning to operate again – under very strictly limited conditions.

For those of us who are frustrated because we aren’t shooting, there is still plenty we CAN do to improve our form. Flexibility exercises to maintain suppleness will help, and there is no shortage of U-tube videos that are there to help you improve your form.

Archers will be excited to read that on your return to the club when this is finally allowed, you will have a new field course to try. Many thanks to David Reid, Alex Nesic & Chris Densley for the time and effort they put in during the shut-down period (under strict isolation conditions of course).

The club sends best wishes to our Captain, David Reid, as he undergoes treatment for his long-term injury. We all hope that you’ll soon be back on the range, better than ever!


Member Profile: Jade Rodgers


Jade is a new member of Archers of Warrnambool – Welcome to the club Jade!

She was born in Mackay, Queensland, and is now a Warrnambool resident.

Jade first tried archery at a “Come and Try” session in December, because her son Mack received a compound bow for his 10th birthday, so she brought him along. She may now be keener on the sport than Mack!

Jade particularly likes using a longbow, but still considers herself a beginner. That said, her best score has been 58 (of 60), at the 10m target in her 4th week at the sport!

Her archery goal is to go hunting.

With four young children (between 10 and one year old), Jade does not have much spare time, but enjoys sewing and working on puzzle books if she can squeeze it in.

Her favourite movie is The Princess Bride.
Favourite superhero is Thor.
She loves Celtic music.
Jade loves all food, but recently has been making bread.
Her favourite holiday destination is camping on the Clarence River in Northern NSW.

As with all other members, Jade is keen to resume archery, as soon as we are able to meet again.


Members still have the opportunity to participate in the club’s decision about changing affiliation. Details were provided in the last newsletter (April 2020 Edition). The AoW committee is keen to hear from any member, to know whether they prefer to affiliate with Australian Bowhunter’s Association (ABA), Archery Australia (AA) or maintain the status quo (3D AAA).

Should you wish to discuss or give your preference, the committee is keen to hear from you:
Mike Clark:
David Reid:
Gerry Mahony:
Charlotte Iverach:
Jim Burrell:
Denise Burrell:

We welcome your input as we move forward into the coming year.


Are you interested in getting a coaching qualification, or becoming a mentor to new members?
We need additional coaches and volunteers to assist on Saturday morning “Come & Try” sessions (11am – 1pm).
If you are interested in helping out, please talk with Mike Clark about what is required.


No competitions have been held due to Covid19, and as yet, none have been scheduled in the future.


Archers of Warrnambool is a small and enthusiastic club, whose membership is growing steadily. We are aiming to have equal representation of women and men in the club – archery is amongst the few sports where women and men compete on the same platform as equals.

Family and work commitments often limit accessibility for women – many of whom are unable to attend regular sessions on Tuesday and Friday evenings, and Saturday afternoons. AoW has been fortunate to receive a VicHealth funding grant that is aimed at increasing the interest of women in archery, and we hope that some participants will in time join our club. This funded program will run at times that women can access more easily, and plans to be a gentle, non-competitive and fun introduction to our sport.

Introductory groups will be run as soon as the Covid19 restrictions are relaxed sufficiently, and when our club is back in full operation. The funding will allow for women who would like to try archery as a new sport to meet socially to learn and practice their archery skills, as well as to receive some basic coaching. The funding will also allow the club to purchase some equipment, including personal protective equipment, for the program. We are in the planning stages now, and no doubt you will see publicity around Warrnambool & the surrounding districts in the future.

Any member, particularly women members, who have family (mothers, sisters, daughters) or friends that may be interested in the introductory program should contact Denise Burrell (0478 302040) to book them in. Numbers will be limited to a “first in, first served” basis, as the funding received is modest.

This program also relies on current women members being able to assist, as supervisors, mentors and in helping to create an inviting, friendly atmosphere for the participants. If you are interested to be a part of the program please call Denise.

Safety During the Covid19 Outbreak

Unfortunately all archery clubs in Australia, along with all other sporting organisations, have been closed to members. However restrictions are gradually being relaxed across all areas, sports being one. We are gradually starting back, but until the Covid19 outbreak is over, precautions must be taken, and Archery Australia has issued some suggestions to increase the safety for individual archers.

  • No indoor archery – only use our outdoor range(s),
  • Use hand sanitiser frequently,
  • Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds before and after an archery session,
  • Limited numbers of archers at the club at any one time – a booking system may be required,
  • Do not share equipment with other archers,
  • Wipe down your arrows and bow with antiseptic wipes before and after a session,
  • Only pull your own arrows from a target,
  • Only one archer shooting at each target (ie one archer per shooting lane), unless they are members of the same family that are living together, who may then share a target,
  • Only every second target lane to be used (to maintain a distance of 1.5m between archers),
  • On the field archery course, only one archer per target at any time.