Club Shoot 19-01-2019

Today’s shoot was held indoors as SWDRA ๐Ÿคฌ were holding a shoot of their own and that denied us access to our grounds.
We had lot of new people at our Come and Try, this is proving to be very popular over the summer months.

The big news from Saturday is that we had another Robin Hood. The second one in two weeks! This time it was the super coach, Mike Clark, who hit his own arrow dead center. Oops, thats another dead arrow Mike and by the look on Mike’s face I think he realises that. He’s also not happy because his Robin Hood only scored an eight. ๐Ÿ˜‚Ha๐Ÿ˜‚ ha๐Ÿ˜‚ ha๐Ÿ˜‚, better luck next time Mike

Just a reminder to everybody that membership fees are now due. Please contact Mike Clark for details. Any current member who does not renew their membership by 28 February 2019, will be required to pay the $50 new member charge which is to be mandatory for all late renews. So please make sure you get your membership paid in a timely manner. your fees are what helps to sustain the club. Thanks.

Also remember our Indoor club shoot is on every Tuesday night, with a new indoor WA18M competition to start soon.

General Meeting

TO ALL MEMBERS and other interested parties.
This Saturday, 19th January, at 2pm, Archers of Warrnambool will be holding a general meeting to discuss the future of the club, membership fees and to elect executive and office bearer positions. Please do your best to make an effort to attend so that you can contribute and offer your advice and opinion on the direction of the club.

Twilight Club Shoot 15-01-2019

It was a great turnout again for our shoot tonight.
Everyone chose to shoot outdoors as it was such a beautiful night, with new members Gerry and Melissa both shooting well with the club’s recurve bows. Gerry at 20 metres was particularly accurate, so just look out next week when he comes to shoot with his new bow! Melissa continued to improve after a couple of coaching tips from Dave Reid, and Jess Reid was as reliable and as accurate as ever.

Jesse Sellens (Hoyt Compound) and Dave Reid (Mathews MR8 Monster) were sharing a target at 50 metres when Jesse scored a ten after he shot a Robin Hood into one of Dave’s new CXL Tank 23s. Well, that’s when the trash talk started with both Dave and Jesse dishing it out. Naturally it was all in fun, but it was very entertaining to watch. It’s that sort of friendly, good natured rivalry that unconsciously pushes people to improve.

Jesse has a great future, both as an archer and as a sledging advisor for the Australian Cricket Team ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜

Our next club shoot is at our ground, The Lake Gillear Target Sports Complex, 200 Buckley Road, Allansford, Come along and join in the sledging!!

Jesse Sellens with his 10 scoring Robin Hood, straight into Dave Reid’s arrow. Thankfully, both arrows survived relatively unscathed. Dave’s arrow just needed a new nock.

Club Shoot 05-01-2019


We had a 26 people at our come and try session today, and have picked up new members as a result. Well done to our super coach, Mike Clarke for his work teaching the beginners, many of whom were regularly shooting gold by the end of the session.

Great to see the shooting line full

Don’t forget everybody, we are back at our ground, The Warrnambool Shooting Complex, 200 Buckley Rd Allansford, effective Tuesday 8th January. It’s been a long, hard and sometimes bitter battle, but finally goodness has triumphed over nastiness. Thanks to Mike, James and Don for all their hard work.

Club Shoot 17-12-2018

Today we had one of the best turnouts for the year! It was fantastic to seee up to 15 people on the shooting line at one time.

Kylie and Austin were back, along with Michelle and Charlie2, all of whom shot well during the day.

Super Coach Mike Clark was also in attendance to take our Come and Try Class and Kane Bartlett and family was back from a two week sabbatical and was hittng Gold all day as usual.

Jessie and Travis returned to the club too after a long lay off, Jessie shooting his new Hoyt and Travis (AKA Oliver Queen) with his Onieda super bow. Great to see you two back guys!

Jess Reid continued her battle to shoot 60 at 20m, keep it up Jess, the way you’re shooting, it’s only a matter of time before you get that elusiveย 60.

Some New faces there today as well as some old friends returning.
Dave Reid and his Mathews MR8 Monster chasing the gold with a new Carter Chocolate Addiction Release Aid from Urban Archery