We are fortunate to have an accredited coach to ensure that your archery experience is not only fun, but rewarding too. By learning the correct way to shoot you will find that hitting the gold on the target becomes easier every day. We can coach you in recurve, compound and longbow!
The “Come and Try” course is a prerequisite to be able to shoot on our archery range. All new members must complete the Come and Try course and achieve a minimum level of proficiency before being allowed to shoot on the range without supervision.
The minimum age for the Come and Try Course is 10 years.
Try Archery sessions are run on Saturdays, starting at 11:00am and finishing at 12:30pm at our range at Duram Park, 200 Buckley Road, Lake Gillear. See the Come & Try under the Events section on our Home Page.
There is no charge for coaching or equipment hire, your first three sessions are free! Also,there is no need to book, just turn up on the day but please make sure you have appropriate footwear. You will be unable to shoot if you have open toed shoes.
We have finally finished the update and re-configuration of the target butts on the indoor range. All targets are now mounted on the back wall and at last we have 5 metres behind the shooting line. A new shooting line has been marked at 18m and we still have 4 targets that can be wheeled out to allow shooting from 10m.
Those members that we haven’t seen for a while, please come on down and have a shoot. We hope all our members are happy with the changes and enjoy the new range. A huge thank you goes out the John Taylor, Adam Guilfoyle from the small bore rifle club and club member Alex Nesic for all their hard work in getting this done.
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