Club Twilight Shoot 13-11-2018

It wasn’t the greatest weather, but a few brave souls still turned up.
Jess Reid was there trying out her new sight, scope and drop-away rest from Urban Archery and was smashing the gold, shooting high 50’s at 10 and 20 metres. Not bad for someone who only picked up a bow for the first time a few months ago , has had that bow for only a few weeks and tonight was her first time shooting sight and scope.

It was great to see Travis Bunce back too, with his space age Oneida Bow, straight out of the TV series “Arrow”
For someone who’s been out of action for so long, he still managed to damage the middle of the target too.

Our next Club Shoot is Saturday 17th November, hope to see you there!

Club Shoot 10-11-2018

A good turn out again today, Jack was back at the Come and Try and was smashing gold again all day.
There’s a champion in the making there.
Jess Reid was trying out her new drop-away arrow rest while the other Jess forgot to put an arrow in her bow before she shot it.

This is what happens to a compound bow if you dry fire it.

Great weather, great turn out, and a great day!
Come along next week and join in the fun, and don’t forget the twilight shoot for club members every Tuesday night.

Club Twilight Shoot 6-11-2018

Not many archers at our twilight shoot, it looks like it may take a while for members to get used to shooting on Tuesday nights.

Jess Reid was dynamite again, shooting another PB in practice. Had she been shooting in a club competition, she would have qualified for 30m. Great job Jess, keep it up.

Our next shoot is Saturday 10th November, see you there!

Club Shoot 3-11-2018

A good turn out despite the weather, Dave Reid won the club shoot, it came down to the last end with Dave leading Kane Bartlett by only one point with six arrows to go. Dave came out on top shooting his new Mathews Monster MR8 and CXL tanks.

Jess Reid shot a personal best and missed out on qualifying for 30m by only 13 points. She has really improved her shooting and is enjoying her new Quest Radical Compound.

We also had two new prospective members, Aaron and Jacob, who really seemed to enjoy themselves and shot quite well for their first time at bat. Kudos to our super coach, Mike Clark.

Our next shoot is Tuesday night at 5:30, hope to see you there