A really good turn out tonight, despite the cold weather.
Gerry was in fine form again with his Samick Sage, as was Bethany, who tried to follow up her Personal Best from last week but just fell short. She still shot well enough to beat the pants off her dad… again. C’mon Michael, you need to put in more practice mate. HAHA
Dave seems to have finally overcome his Target Panic posting a 287 on the indoor vertical traffic lights. It’s his best indoor score since returning to archery after a 15 year lay off. Hopefully a 300 is just around the corner, although he is having some issues with his arrow rest. It looks like he’ll be off to see Marcus at Urban Archery soon to get a new rest. He’s got his eye (pun intended) on the Nock-On Elevate drop-away rest, all he has to do is get Jess to agree. Good luck with that Dave!
Don’t forget our come and try session this Saturday from 12pm, all new archers are welcome and it’s free! Then our club shoot from 1.30pm, Hope to see you there!!