It was a great turnout again for our shoot tonight.
Everyone chose to shoot outdoors as it was such a beautiful night, with new members Gerry and Melissa both shooting well with the club’s recurve bows. Gerry at 20 metres was particularly accurate, so just look out next week when he comes to shoot with his new bow! Melissa continued to improve after a couple of coaching tips from Dave Reid, and Jess Reid was as reliable and as accurate as ever.
Jesse Sellens (Hoyt Compound) and Dave Reid (Mathews MR8 Monster) were sharing a target at 50 metres when Jesse scored a ten after he shot a Robin Hood into one of Dave’s new CXL Tank 23s. Well, that’s when the trash talk started with both Dave and Jesse dishing it out. Naturally it was all in fun, but it was very entertaining to watch. It’s that sort of friendly, good natured rivalry that unconsciously pushes people to improve.
Jesse has a great future, both as an archer and as a sledging advisor for the Australian Cricket Team 😂🤣😂😁
Our next club shoot is at our ground, The Lake Gillear Target Sports Complex, 200 Buckley Road, Allansford, Come along and join in the sledging!!